

person in a formal gray suit, crossing their fingers behind their back

Hate-crimers and their pronouns

Ignore the Club Q shooter’s statement of gender identity. A homophobic, transphobic murderer says they’re what? Let’s differentiate good-faith and bad-faith declarations, as well as reality and fiction.

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The people who use LGB-minus-T are homophobes

Brendan O’Neill does not support gay marriage and is impressed with the LGB Alliance. Yes, everyone may speak their mind. What’s on mine: Gay organizations that are trans-exclusive are homophobic too in complicated ways. Homophobes love this.

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softball resting on a dirt field

Once again, it’s not about sports

Why trans allies objected to Seth Moulton’s comments last month. This ‘idea’ is not fully baked because it’s not consistent even about whether it would regulate adults or children. This is not about sports.

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skyscrapers seen from the ground looking straight up. cool perspective. a little strip of sky.

5 quick ideas about why and how to resist

The rich already run everything, and they’re grabbing more power. Build your power with others and find new ways to resist. We have ways to make things, communicate, and live that don’t depend on corporations. Maybe we forgot. But we can do things on our own.

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silhouette of seated woman floating on a yellowish background

Anti-trans feminism since the 1960s

After a couple of recent essays by Sophie Lewis chronicling this movement. Particularly because the anti-trans movement is fond of suggesting that trans people sprang into existence yesterday, I’m fascinated with timelines.

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YouTube still of the video: Should TERFs unite with the Right? It shows both panelists, Bindel and Joyce, with the moderator, Florence Read. They're seated in chairs with a bookcase behind them.

Would you work with the ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’?

A 2022 Bindel–Joyce debate in which Joyce calls my gender ‘an attack on the whole institution of civilization’. She thinks she’s preserving ‘the Enlightenment,’ ‘evidence,’ ‘stable meanings,’ ‘how you do science’, ‘the whole institution of civilization.’

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