Category: Learning

Erasure poem with words blacked out. It says: I would also like to be clear that … kind … work … consulted … internally. … former … sighed … ammunition … frame this … other … fact … meeting beforehand. … morning. … is no … otherwise is false.

Hard truth! Trust news!

A ‘Democracy dies in darkness’ erasure poem. Jeff Bezos didn’t allow the Washington Post editorial staff to endorse Kamala Harris. Many are resigning over his ‘principled’ action. Does he believe them?

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La palabra lo encaja todo, atrapa posibilidades. Nos atrapa a nosotros. Image: inside a red box is a snail with a multicolored shell. its mouth is hanging open. inside its mouth is a tiny human figure.

Secretamos la concha / We secrete the shell

Un ensayo ilustrado sobre el conocimiento / An illustrated essay on knowledge. Mini-illustrations about not grabbing too tight and instead growing that which we’ll carry with us. In English (plain text) and Spanish (in images).

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Erasure poem with words blacked out. It says: I would also like to be clear that … kind … work … consulted … internally. … former … sighed … ammunition … frame this … other … fact … meeting beforehand. … morning. … is no … otherwise is false.

Hard truth! Trust news!

A ‘Democracy dies in darkness’ erasure poem. Jeff Bezos didn’t allow the Washington Post editorial staff to endorse Kamala Harris. Many are resigning over his ‘principled’ action. Does he believe them?

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La palabra lo encaja todo, atrapa posibilidades. Nos atrapa a nosotros. Image: inside a red box is a snail with a multicolored shell. its mouth is hanging open. inside its mouth is a tiny human figure.

Secretamos la concha / We secrete the shell

Un ensayo ilustrado sobre el conocimiento / An illustrated essay on knowledge. Mini-illustrations about not grabbing too tight and instead growing that which we’ll carry with us. In English (plain text) and Spanish (in images).

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