

Publishing doctors’ names is a threat

The Nuremberg Files was 1990s anti-abortion doxxing. Some who presumably accessed ACLA material went on to murder abortion doctors. The court awarded millions of dollars in damages. The website was deleted.

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silhouette of long-haired person lifts arms to the sky. there's a dramatic cloud.

Sorry, I’m out-of-body right now

I’ll answer your hate mail in another lifetime. Asking fake questions about etymologies and intra-community debates they don’t care about. They’ll follow up with fake theories about floating out-of-body.

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person lifts hand as if to refuse something or ask someone to stop

Transphobia is a form of denialism

We have to counter Holocaust denial, and also transphobia. Transphobia is an ideological lie. Certain arguments can identify and deconstruct it. (Transgender atheist Jews, by the way, also have humanities degrees.)

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