Category: Trans

silhouette of seated woman floating on a yellowish background

Anti-trans feminism since the 1960s

After a couple of recent essays by Sophie Lewis chronicling this movement. Particularly because the anti-trans movement is fond of suggesting that trans people sprang into existence yesterday, I’m fascinated with timelines.

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YouTube still of the video: Should TERFs unite with the Right? It shows both panelists, Bindel and Joyce, with the moderator, Florence Read. They're seated in chairs with a bookcase behind them.

Would you work with the ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’?

A 2022 Bindel–Joyce debate in which Joyce calls my gender ‘an attack on the whole institution of civilization’. She thinks she’s preserving ‘the Enlightenment,’ ‘evidence,’ ‘stable meanings,’ ‘how you do science’, ‘the whole institution of civilization.’

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dark wooden judge's gavel resting on a base

I can’t write the anti-gay argument for him

No one wants to be called a ‘bigot’ or a ‘fascist’. But it’s not my job to give him alternate explanations for his reasons or feelings. If I say something is bigoted, I may not be judging someone’s character, at least not primarily; instead I may be asserting why I’m not jumping on board.

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silhouette of seated woman floating on a yellowish background

Anti-trans feminism since the 1960s

After a couple of recent essays by Sophie Lewis chronicling this movement. Particularly because the anti-trans movement is fond of suggesting that trans people sprang into existence yesterday, I’m fascinated with timelines.

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YouTube still of the video: Should TERFs unite with the Right? It shows both panelists, Bindel and Joyce, with the moderator, Florence Read. They're seated in chairs with a bookcase behind them.

Would you work with the ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’?

A 2022 Bindel–Joyce debate in which Joyce calls my gender ‘an attack on the whole institution of civilization’. She thinks she’s preserving ‘the Enlightenment,’ ‘evidence,’ ‘stable meanings,’ ‘how you do science’, ‘the whole institution of civilization.’

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dark wooden judge's gavel resting on a base

I can’t write the anti-gay argument for him

No one wants to be called a ‘bigot’ or a ‘fascist’. But it’s not my job to give him alternate explanations for his reasons or feelings. If I say something is bigoted, I may not be judging someone’s character, at least not primarily; instead I may be asserting why I’m not jumping on board.

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