Category: Learning

Discarding a category that does not serve
‘Why Fish Don’t Exist’ is a book that intrigues me. When the category no longer has adequate explanatory value, the category must be discarded or deemphasized, and happiness must be found somewhere else.

The wake doesn’t drive the boat
Deciding where to go next. When we don’t like our direction, we blame it on our wake. Much of my behavior is nothing but wake. But I keep hearing the wake can’t do this.

The Oracle answers tough questions
Standing there and meeting people where they are. All in a day’s work. The Oracle can speak at length for which the questioner doesn’t want to stand. Or at brevity upon which the Questioner realizes they could’ve written it.

AI is trolling us
Are we prepared to tell it to go away? It’ll spread out the tarot cards, ask you to turn some over, read them for you. You picked the cards. It wants to blame you for the options it spread out.

The Legend of Canselation
Arise, Dame Canselda! Arise, Sir Canseld! Only they who are crucified can be resurrected. Only they who die can be born to eternal life. Only a canseled program can rake in a million dollars.

Two things ‘cancel culture’ refers to
On ‘speaking first’ and the meaning of ‘engagement’. You can decline to “engage” online. Think quietly somewhere else. That’s not “cancel culture.” Rewarding someone for being wrong serves no one’s interests.

Discarding a category that does not serve
‘Why Fish Don’t Exist’ is a book that intrigues me. When the category no longer has adequate explanatory value, the category must be discarded or deemphasized, and happiness must be found somewhere else.

The wake doesn’t drive the boat
Deciding where to go next. When we don’t like our direction, we blame it on our wake. Much of my behavior is nothing but wake. But I keep hearing the wake can’t do this.

The Oracle answers tough questions
Standing there and meeting people where they are. All in a day’s work. The Oracle can speak at length for which the questioner doesn’t want to stand. Or at brevity upon which the Questioner realizes they could’ve written it.

AI is trolling us
Are we prepared to tell it to go away? It’ll spread out the tarot cards, ask you to turn some over, read them for you. You picked the cards. It wants to blame you for the options it spread out.

The Legend of Canselation
Arise, Dame Canselda! Arise, Sir Canseld! Only they who are crucified can be resurrected. Only they who die can be born to eternal life. Only a canseled program can rake in a million dollars.

Two things ‘cancel culture’ refers to
On ‘speaking first’ and the meaning of ‘engagement’. You can decline to “engage” online. Think quietly somewhere else. That’s not “cancel culture.” Rewarding someone for being wrong serves no one’s interests.