Category: Learning

glass marbles with swirling colors

The Oracle answers tough questions

Standing there and meeting people where they are. All in a day’s work. The Oracle can speak at length for which the questioner doesn’t want to stand. Or at brevity upon which the Questioner realizes they could’ve written it.

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Non-realist art of piranha-like creatures showing enormous teeth. Words in red: IT CAME FROM THE COMMENT BOX

AI is trolling us

Are we prepared to tell it to go away? It’ll spread out the tarot cards, ask you to turn some over, read them for you. You picked the cards. It wants to blame you for the options it spread out.

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Armored knight stands near three running unicorns. In the background, a huge glowing stone structure, aka a dolmen, with a fire-breathing dragon on top.

The Legend of Canselation

Arise, Dame Canselda! Arise, Sir Canseld! Only they who are crucified can be resurrected. Only they who die can be born to eternal life. Only a canseled program can rake in a million dollars.

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two hands almost touching against a sky backdrop with glowing sun between their fingers

Two things ‘cancel culture’ refers to

On ‘speaking first’ and the meaning of ‘engagement’. You can decline to “engage” online. Think quietly somewhere else. That’s not “cancel culture.” Rewarding someone for being wrong serves no one’s interests.

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glass marbles with swirling colors

The Oracle answers tough questions

Standing there and meeting people where they are. All in a day’s work. The Oracle can speak at length for which the questioner doesn’t want to stand. Or at brevity upon which the Questioner realizes they could’ve written it.

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Non-realist art of piranha-like creatures showing enormous teeth. Words in red: IT CAME FROM THE COMMENT BOX

AI is trolling us

Are we prepared to tell it to go away? It’ll spread out the tarot cards, ask you to turn some over, read them for you. You picked the cards. It wants to blame you for the options it spread out.

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Armored knight stands near three running unicorns. In the background, a huge glowing stone structure, aka a dolmen, with a fire-breathing dragon on top.

The Legend of Canselation

Arise, Dame Canselda! Arise, Sir Canseld! Only they who are crucified can be resurrected. Only they who die can be born to eternal life. Only a canseled program can rake in a million dollars.

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two hands almost touching against a sky backdrop with glowing sun between their fingers

Two things ‘cancel culture’ refers to

On ‘speaking first’ and the meaning of ‘engagement’. You can decline to “engage” online. Think quietly somewhere else. That’s not “cancel culture.” Rewarding someone for being wrong serves no one’s interests.

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