
QAnon fights imaginary cabals

Detail from the cover of Will Sommer's book Trust the Plan showing a black flag with a Q on it.

Explained in Will Sommer’s ‘Trust the Plan’. To its followers, QAnon seems to explain the world. It’s also their community. Normal policy can wait until the vampires are vanquished.

What is a Bible?

large black book with spine stamped Holy Bible resting on a lectern

You already know, and you already know what a woman is too. We don’t have to keep asking what ‘transgender’ essentially is, nor what ‘woman’ or ‘man’ essentially are. There is no essence. But we know what they are.

‘Radical gender theory’ is itself a social construct

Christopher Rufo's website has a section called "A Parent's Guide to Radical Gender Theory," offering a pamphlet for download.

The people who’re making it up do not have good intentions. This isn’t a serious intellectual project. There’s no scholarly substance. Chris Rufo just wants to organize the right-wing to make noise and hurt LGBTQ people.

The right wing wants to stop adults from being trans

chain link fence

Knowles: ‘You have to ban transgenderism entirely’. Michael Knowles wants to ban people from being transgender. His ‘love’ for the Kansas bathroom bill is because it ‘aggressive[ly]’ excludes trans people.

Anti-trans bills encourage far-right violence

The letters TRUM- backwards on a teal flag, in front of a USAmerican flag

That may be the intent. It sure looks like the outcome. The far-right wants the support of the center. The center has anti-transgender legislative campaigns. The far-right perpetrates anti-transgender violence.

Why is the far-right ever more intensely anti-trans?

One yellow cube amidst many blue cubes

Because they’re bored by finally winning against abortion rights. Fascists oppose trans people because they find difference threatening. Being anti-trans is fundamental to their politics, and it predicts what comes next.

How the far-right comes for trans people

Police unrolling yellow tape in front of a crowd holding Trump/Pence and USA flags

Violent far-right U.S. groups are ‘hugely and deeply’ anti-transgender. Anti-transgender rhetoric isn’t “just asking questions!” or curiosity or nuance. It is hateful; it is organized; it foments organized violence.