More shameful nonsense from ‘Gay Shame’
Regarding trans people, Gareth Roberts asks: ‘Who exactly invited the vampire in’? A continuation of my criticism of the ‘sex-realist’ aka ‘gender-critical’ aka transphobic book ‘Gay Shame’ by Gareth Roberts, published in April 2024.
Gareth Roberts says accepting trans people is ‘Gay Shame’
Yet another LGB-minus-T ‘sex realist’ book hits the shelves. Roberts won’t engage the academic work or mere existence of any trans people. He name-drops a couple, but we’re all either airheads or criminals to him.
121 things I want cis men to stop doing
Conveniently, all of them are sentences in the same article by the same cis man. Cis men’s name is Andrew Sullivan and I want them to stop doing what he did in his April 9, 2021 article on Substack. This is not Star Wars.
Yet another pro-discrimination argument
Always follow the typos. They reveal what editors aren’t researching. Why does a national newspaper pay a columnist for a 2,800-word anti-transgender opinion essay? More mysteriously: If there’s a typo, what does it imply?
New book on marriage deliberately ignores gay couples
Are we saving civilization yet? Brad Wilcox’s February 2024 book, ‘Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization.’
‘And you know what that means’
Is it a dogwhistle? I don’t know what it means. Transphobic essays are fiction. Not the harmless entertainment kind, either. These are lies about brutalizing the elderly and medically intervening on kids.
A bigoted premise sparks an ideology
For some, transphobia and homophobia are first principles. Transphobia is an ideology for many, a lens through which they see the world. There are other ways to think without first striking the match of transphobia.
15 transphobias in ‘Trans Totalitarianism’
Rod Dreher’s August 2022 article in The American Conservative. Low on facts, high on transphobia. Here’s how we recognize that the perspective is transphobic. And here are 15 specific pieces of nonsense.
Richard Dawkins is stuck with a transphobic podcast
Indulge transphobia long enough, and it becomes part of who you are. People standing up to announce themselves as transphobes, even when their viewpoint wasn’t asked for, is one social consequence of transphobia.
New ‘New Atheist’ cry: There is no trans
Yes, Dawkins did fall down the transphobia rabbit hole. QED. The New Atheists used to insist there is no god. Now Dawkins mainly insists there is no trans. People asked me to prove he was transphobic. Here it is.