
Why People Ask Me to Edit →

Asking for feedback can empower you. Edits can strengthen your outcome. It can be weird. It will not be boring. It might be transformative.

Why Work With Me→

I’ve read thousands of books. I read nonfiction manuscripts for Split/Lip Press. I’ve written my own books. I went to college. I’ve worked. I’ve traveled. I remember the 1980s. I’ve trained to grow into my presence.

What We Can Do Together →

I can help you edit creative nonfiction, including memoir, and fiction. I love to read poems, though I’m not experienced in editing them.

I’ll meet you at any stage. No draft is too rough to show me. Your art is your process. Bring me into it mindfully. Your draft may be about to look very different. It may be about to really, truly change. Sometimes sharing it and asking for a response is the pressure point that will bring it to the next stage.

If you haven’t started to write, we can unpack ideas and feelings. Pieces that fascinate you might be seeds.

If you’ve got a rough draft but some parts feel broken, those spots may mark insights about to unfold and burst open.

If you’ve got a near-final draft, we can smooth it out and light it up.

I want your message to resonate with you as its creator as well as make sense for me as a reader. I want your story to have a sense of its own boundaries, whether you’re challenging or accepting them. You can write an ending or keep going.

Let’s “level up” the draft until you love it.

What I Charge →

I suggest US $0.03/word for each round of feedback, which could involve developmental edits, line edits, or significant copyedits. That comes to $150 for every 5,000 words. This rate enables me to keep doing this work. Compare it to the Editorial Freelancers Association ratesI take PayPal or CashApp.

If this is not the number for you, propose a different number.

Reach Out →

We can communicate in a way that’s comfortable for you: voice, video, or email.
You pick.

Tell me why you are here. That would be a profound offering. Bring me the story. Ask for what you need.

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Why People Ask Me to Edit →

Asking for feedback can empower you. Edits can strengthen your outcome. It can be weird. It will not be boring. It might be transformative.

Why Work With Me→

I’ve read thousands of books. I read nonfiction manuscripts for Split/Lip Press. I’ve written my own books. I went to college. I’ve worked. I’ve travelled. I remember the 1980s. I’ve trained to grow into my presence.

What We Can Do Together →

I can help you edit creative nonfiction, including memoir, and fiction. I love to read poems, though I’m not experienced in editing them.

I’ll meet you at any stage. No draft is too rough to show me. Your art is your process. Bring me into it mindfully. Your draft may be about to look very different. It may be about to really, truly change. Sometimes sharing it and asking for a response is the pressure point that will bring it to the next stage.

If you haven’t started to write, we can unpack ideas and feelings. Pieces that fascinate you might be seeds.

If you’ve got a rough draft but some parts feel broken, those spots may mark insights about to unfold and burst open.

If you’ve got a near-final draft, we can smooth it out and light it up.

I want your message to resonate with you as its creator as well as make sense for me as a reader. I want your story to have a sense of its own boundaries, whether you’re challenging or accepting them. You can write an ending or keep going.

Let’s “level up” the draft until you love it.

What I Charge →

I suggest US $0.03/word for each round of feedback, which could involve developmental edits, line edits, or significant copyedits. That comes to $150 for every 5,000 words. This rate enables me to keep doing this work. Compare it to the Editorial Freelancers Association ratesI take PayPal or CashApp.

If this is not the number for you, propose a different number.

Reach Out →

We can communicate in a way that’s comfortable for you: voice, video, or email. You pick.

Tell me why you are here. That would be a profound offering. Bring me the story. Ask for what you need.

Freelance editing services by Tucker Lieberman

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