
QAnon fights imaginary cabals

Detail from the cover of Will Sommer's book Trust the Plan showing a black flag with a Q on it.

Explained in Will Sommer’s ‘Trust the Plan’. To its followers, QAnon seems to explain the world. It’s also their community. Normal policy can wait until the vampires are vanquished.

Republicans say: Make it hard to divorce again

Statue of Liberty with a glowing yellow-blue sky

The Party of Trump wants to stop your divorce. Independence? For whom? The Republican Party wants to end no-fault divorce. They want everyone to be married with children. This threatens everyone’s right to exit a bad marriage.

‘Jurisdiction’ isn’t ‘child custody’

flying saucer beams up a couple hapless humans

Though if it were, I’d say we should go look for the trans kids in custody. Republicans are mad about this. Perhaps they should take up their complaint with the trans kids they believe Tim Walz has shipped to the moon.

They are still coming for trans adults

two people walking hand-in-hand down an empty rural road

Erin Reed has separate U.S. risk maps for children and adults. Support the people who are doing the work so all of us can survive. Gay and trans freedom is everyone’s freedom, so each of us can help preserve it.